
1 min readOct 13, 2021

thoughts and emptiness fill my heart, mind, and soul. fighting to keep oneself busy day in and day out until you are sitting with your thoughts. a wave of loneliness, sadness, confusion, anger, and weight overwhelms me. nothing to turn to, no one to vocalize to, no one to distract me. what do i do? i come here to write my thoughts, feel lighter, and that this platform is my way of communicating and distracting all the thoughts and worries i have. but its temporary. all i ever desired was something or someone permanent. i’m walked on, left, and seen as a option. desiring the attention and care from others often leaves me numb. putting my heart in the hands of another for it to be crushed, destroyed, and brought back to me in pieces. or to run off with my heart, to just be a joke. i may never heal, but i will continue to try.




welcome to the thoughts of mine. stay long and enjoy your time. emptying the feelings into words. making the most of a simulation we call life.